Friday, April 16, 2010

Return to the Land of the Reject Sketches

More rejected sketches. My fave? The three at the bottom. They were my "Jersey" Bears- I could hear Papa bear w/ his James Gandolfini/Tony Soprano voice- and Mama- well she'd be table tipping when the porridge was eaten.


Alicia Padrón said...

They are all SO wonderful Kelly! This ones and the bottom ones as well! You have to something with these! A story, licensing.. I don't know. They are too good to be forgotten in the land of the rejected skecthes.

Christina Rodriguez said...

I really love that little bear in the center and upper left corner. He's so sweet!

Valerie Krist said...

These characters are so lively! Great illustrations, why are they rejected? Are they for a book?

FAVREAU said...

These are just too cute! Well done.