Sunday, January 25, 2009

I got a bad feeling about this...

It's done for now, I don't want to look at this anymore - I'll come back to it later after the conference.....

Spot Illo - when your kid says-" the characters don't look the same. Look at how her eyes are set.."- Either you must redraw or send your kid to their room. I redrew. This is the revision - still a little off? - Not much time left... gotta get stuff printed in the next 2 days.


Aja said...

I think that this is looking really good. I don't know the characters, but I'm having a hard time determing if the sitting girl is the one reading the book or the one standing in the background in the previous illustration- and it doesn't help that beyond their sweaters, their dresses look almost identical. Perhaps you should stick to *exactly* the same clothing for each character, to help recognizability? Also, standing jane has blue eyes in this one and brown eyes in the other, or, at least they don't appear to be blue. Maybe also the goose terrorizing one seems to have slightly more wild hair in the other illustration- so perhaps that could be pushed?

Even without revision, your spot is very well done, regardless.

Jameson said...

are the little girl's feet gonna be outlined?

I don't mean to suggest that they should be... That's just the one thing I noticed.

Kelly Light said...

I haven't finished the outline yet - so I'll get to that, Thanks Noah.

Aja- I will definitely work on this more after the conference. I just wondered if if was off enough for someone to go Whoa! - and shut my portfolio. They all wear similar dresses - that was the style in Jane Austen's time. I'm still going to add trim to the darker one. And change the scarfy thing to white. It is supposed to be the Jane reading in the first illo. Which - is Jane. The other is Lizzie. Anyway- I think you as always for the help!